
Cervical Polypectomy

What is Cervical Polypectomy?

Cervical polypectomy is a procedure in Singapore performed to remove polyps that develop on your cervix. Cervical polyps are small growths that develop along the cervical canal which connects from the uterus (womb) to the vagina. Most cervical polyps are non-cancerous and are common in females over the age of 20 and who have given birth to more than one child.
There are two types of cervical polyps, these are:
  • Ectocervical polyps: develops on the outer part of the cervix.
  • Endocervical polyps: most common type of polyps and it grows along the cervical canal.
A cervical polypectomy involves the use of specialised instruments to remove polyps from the cervix, which may alleviate your symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. Cervical polypectomy is typically done on an outpatient basis and is relatively quick and straightforward.
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How does Cervical Polypectomy work?

During a cervical polypectomy, polyp forceps are used to remove polyps from your cervix. You will lie on a table with your feet placed in stirrups to provide access to the cervix for examination using a speculum to better visualise the polyp. Your obstetrician/gynaecologist will then use the polyp forceps to grasp the stalk of the polyp and remove it, ensuring that all abnormal tissue is completely excised. However, if the polyp has no stalk to grasp, a loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) may be performed. In this procedure, a heated wire loop is used to burn the polyp from your cervical canal.
A cervical polypectomy is usually performed under local anaesthesia, where anaesthesia is applied to the surface of the cervix, to minimise any discomfort.

Benefits of Cervical Polypectomy procedure in Singapore

  • Alleviate symptoms such as abnormal bleeding or discharge
  • Improve fertility
  • Relief from discomfort or pain
  • Allows for thorough examination of the cervix to rule out abnormalities or underlying conditions
  • Reduce the risk of complications or infections

What conditions can cervical polypectomy treat?

A cervical polypectomy can be used to treat the following conditions:
  • Cervical polyps: abnormal growths on the cervix.
  • Abnormal bleeding: including heavy or prolonged menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, or postcoital bleeding.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge: persistent or vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odour.
  • Fertility issues: conditions that obstruct the passage of sperm or interfere with embryo implantation.

What can I expect after Cervical Polypectomy procedure in Singapore?

After undergoing a cervical polypectomy, you can expect several potential results.
These include:
  • Relief from symptoms
  • Improved fertility potential
  • Diagnostic clarity
  • Reduced risk of complications

It is normal to experience bleeding and discharge for about 4 weeks following a cervical polypectomy. You may notice watery discharge or light bleeding during this time. It is advisable to use sanitary pads instead of tampons until your next period and refrain from sexual intercourse until the discharge subsides.

How many treatment sessions are needed?

Generally, a single cervical polypectomy session is sufficient to remove a polyp and address any related concerns. However, if multiple polyps are present or further treatment is needed, additional sessions may be required.

Frequently asked questions

Is cervical polypectomy a major surgery?
A cervical polypectomy is considered a minimally invasive procedure with some discomfort and/or pain. There is a recovery period following the removal with precautions you should adhere to in order to avoid any complications.
How long does it take to heal after cervical polyp removal?
Generally, most women feel better within the first week following the removal. However, it is important to not lift, push, or pull any heavy objects for a few weeks after. You should also avoid sexual intercourse or douching until your obstetrician/gynaecologist deems it safe. A full recovery typically takes 2 weeks to allow for internal healing.
What happens if a cervical polyp is left untreated?
If you have a cervical polyp, it is advisable to seek medical attention for its removal as soon as possible. If left untreated, you may run the risk of common complications such as malignant transformation, bleeding, or recurrence.
What should I avoid after cervical polyp removal?
Following a cervical polypectomy, you should avoid sexual intercourse for 1 week, using tampons (opt for sanitary pads instead), vigorous exercise or swimming for 1 week, and long-distance travel during the first week.

Consultation Hours

Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Saturday 9 am to 1 pm | Sunday & Public Holidays Closed