The term congenital refers to abnormalities in genital tract present from birth in Singapore. A congenital genital tract, thus, refers to the abnormalities or anomalies identified in the female genital tract. It has been estimated that 4-7% of the female population in the world is affected by structural disorders of the reproductive tract.
Whilst uncommon, congenital disorders of the genital tract can have serious reproductive implications and have been reported to cause a lowered quality of life as it impacts various aspects of psychological and sexual health. There are various abnormalities that can occur on the genital tract and multiple classification systems have been constructed over the years to accurately grade these abnormalities.
Congenital genital disorder can occur in either the internal or external genitalia. The internal genitalia consists of the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. On the other hand, external genitalia encompasses the vulva and the various structures of its makeup such as the hymen, clitoris, and labia.
Other abnormalities of the genital tract could also include:
Congenital genital tract abnormalities are caused by defects during the embryologic phase.
Factors affecting these defects include:
Symptoms of congenital genital tract include:
If you notice any of the symptoms stated above, make an appointment today to get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
Congenital genital tract disorders can be painful depending on which region of the reproductive tract is impacted. Where obstructive genital tract is present, endometriosis – a painful period condition may occur. Additionally, abnormalities could also manifest as pain during intercourse. In hindsight, it is possible that no pain symptoms occur and abnormalities are only discovered when attempting to conceive or when investigating the cause of frequent miscarriages.
Most congenital genital tract abnormalities are of unknown cause or etiology. Some may be associated with the condition of the mother during pregnancy.
Certain factors that may cause congenital genital abnormalities include:
It is possible that external congenital tracts abnormalities are identified at birth. Paediatricians will be able to determine any physical abnormalities during the physical examination of babies upon birth. However, most other abnormalities are usually detected at reproductive ages. This may be due to abnormalities present at the internal genitalia region or manifestation of issues during puberty.
Diagnosis of congenital genital tract may include:
Treatment options for congenital genital tract include:
If there is no treatment solution for a given congenital genital tract, alternative methods of reproduction may be advised. Depending on the specific abnormality, the methods employed may vary.
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